Brew Cornwall: Embracing Sustainability and Community
As we stand on the cusp of a new era, Brew Cornwall reaffirms its unwavering commitment to our sea, countryside, and the wildlife that call this beautiful land home. Nestled within the heart of Cornwall, we recognise the profound significance of preserving and nurturing our natural surroundings. Our dedication to sustainability is not just a principle, but a way of life that reverberates through our every action.

Brew Cornwall, we understand that the local community is intertwined with the very fabric of our existence. Supporting small businesses within Cornwall is not just a matter of priority; it is a fundamental philosophy that guides our every endeavour. Through fostering strong partnerships with local artisans, suppliers, and producers, we wholeheartedly champion the unique talents and offerings of our community.

Brew Cornwall's Commitment to Sustainability

Brew Cornwall is dedicated to continuously improving its sustainability efforts. While acknowledging that there is still progress to be made, we have taken significant steps to minimize our environmental impact.

Local Sourcing and Reduced Food Miles

Conscious sourcing from local and reputable suppliers is at the core of our operations. By minimizing food miles, we not only support our local economy but also significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

AtSource Certified Coffee

Our commitment to sustainability extends to our coffee selection. The AtSource certification ensures that our coffee supports farmers and promotes ethical and sustainable practices within the industry.

Coffee Ground Composting

We take pride in minimizing waste by composting our coffee grounds. By partnering with the local primary school and offering our composted grounds to customers in fully compostable bags, we ensure that our waste serves a meaningful purpose while being environmentally conscious.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Every aspect of our packaging is carefully considered. We utilize recycled materials for our packaging, ensuring that it is either recyclable or compostable, further reducing our environmental impact.

Community Involvement

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our daily operations. Through organising and participating in communal beach cleans, we actively contribute to the preservation of our beautiful landscape.

Solar Panel Adoption

As an additional step towards reducing our carbon footprint, Brew Cornwall has adopted solar panels to further minimize our environmental impact.
While we acknowledge that there is progress to be made, Brew Cornwall remains dedicated to increasing its sustainability efforts and aims to explore additional avenues for environmental responsibility in the future.